Sunday, May 29, 2016

The Hub's sister got married last weekend -- and it was an absolutely gorgeous day! 

We reunited with friends from the Hub's college days ...

We headed out to the cherry fields for pictures ... 

I cannot wait to see the professional pictures, it was an absolutely perfect setting! 

We rode the party bus and pretended we were in college again {which we paid for the next day ... or two ...} 

We had fun with friends ... 

And, yes - my dress by the end of the night was trashed! ;) 

But it was a fun night, a good night, a night to remember! 

Sunday, May 15, 2016

A sports filled Saturday ...

One of the hardest things is being so far away from my little loves.  During college I was in the same town as my sister - which meant when the first niece arrived I was there.  In fact, I even LIVED with them for awhile.

It is always hard on me when I realize that life is now busy - I'm not living the carefree college life and have work and other obligations which means I don't get down to see the little ones nearly as much as I'd like.  But, I guess that's what happens as we get older and life just happens to get busier. :)

So this weekend, I was beyond excited that I was going to be able to see all THREE of my sister's kiddos playing in their sporting events.

We started with Kylynn playing softball.

And went back and forth to watch Easton playing T-Ball.

It was chilly out - oh so chilly - but we had warm drinks, warm clothing, and it was the perfect excuse to get in some cuddles ;)

Later on we were able to watch Addisyn in her soccer game! 

We then enjoyed some time at my sister's new house - helping them unpack and enjoying time with the family.  My brother came to town with his two little loves - who were cracking us up! 

And apparently moving is exhausting work for Easton - poor little buddy!

When returning home we picked up the pup - who after getting a bath {he had WAY too much fun at Frank's!} has been sleeping ever since. 

A funfilled weekend in deed! 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Day lilies for days ...

I am not a gardener.  I kill anything that's green - not on purpose.  But even my succulents, which apparently are SO easy to keep alive and require little work, yeah, I killed those.  I have ONE plant that I've managed to keep alive, and for that - I'm pretty darn proud.

SO, when it comes to the great outdoors I love that our yard is pretty much a cut-everything-back in the spring and it will reappear {many thanks to the previous owners!}.  But, apparently our day lilies were getting a little out of hand - and who knew they're not suppose to be right up against the house because they can ruin the foundation?!? Yeah, this girl didn't know that!  

So this past weekend I dug - and dug - and dug out day lilies. 

And when I say dug and dug - oh I mean DUG and DUG!  These little suckers are HARD to get out.  And, a word of advice if you'd like it - this is not to be done with a hand shovel.  We might have had to make a home depot run to get a larger shovel {which we didn't have} after I bent the hand shovel time and time again --- oops! 

But I'm happy to say that I succeeded in taking out an entire row of day lilies.  There are still PLENTY left, but now there is a nice space between the flowers and the house.  And my body - oh how my body still aches from squatting and digging - and digging and squatting ...

As a bonus - I was able to gift some of the day lilies to people - yes, we sure did have day lilies for DAYS! :)