Sunday, November 9, 2014

Iceman ...

It's been a tradition for the hubs to do the Iceman Cometh Challenge {for the last 3 years}.  I like this race because it gives us an excuse to go up and see my parents for a night or two :)

The weather however, it's not always ideal! One year it was just downright cold, one year it wasn't actually too bad, and this year -- well it wasn't TOO chilly, but the wetness, yikes - that was a whole different story!

The Iceman Cometh is a mountain bike race from Kalkaska to Traverse City - about 30 miles of true torture!  It doesn't look like any fun to me - but the hubs, it's right up his ally!

We arrived in Kalkaska early, so the hubs can warm up and I can check out the Hallmark store :)

I was so thankful that both of my parents came along to cheer for the hubs. The support they show their new son, even in the horrible rain/cold weather - it's amazing :)

The fun thing about the Iceman is you can actually see your rider in the middle of the race.  Usually, I see the hubs at the beginning and then not for a couple hours later at the finish line.  This race, it's like a challenge to try to get to a point before he does.  It may take going down a long dirt road {showing my father's true dedication in cheering him on!} but we made it before he did and were able to cheer loudly for him! 

Our next spotting of the racer was about a mile before the finish - better believe we were yelling for him once again!  He looked strong, yet ready to be at the finish at this point! 

I am so very proud of my Iceman finisher.  He had a final time of 2:48:50 making him 17th in his age group! {Out of 82}

To say he got a little dirty is an understatement - I literally had to wipe off the dirt from his teeth after he finished ... ick! There was mud in every nook and cranny of his bike too!

And this was the scene this morning, the day after the race.  So glad the snow held off until after the race!

Until next year Iceman! 

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